Shropshire Star

There must be alternatives to ease the housing crisis

As a resident of Longden, I have been to meetings with councillors regarding the housing situation and our allocation in Longden and the surrounding rural areas.


I worry about the future of close, thriving local communities that have developed over many years. All that is seen are fields that could be utilised to assuage the enormous quantity of housing required by the government.

I understand that a small amount of housing is required in our rural areas, and is generally welcomed and accepted. When our allocation has been fulfilled (which could possibly be completed in one or two years) it would be re-examined after five years to see if more are required.

There seems to be no thought as to the infrastructure required, such as lighting, pavements, transport, suitable roads, facilities or the fact that there are no major local employment opportunities nearby. Added to that, our hospitals are already full to bursting, you can’t get an appointment easily to see your GP and our schools are full.

A huge financial investment would be required before building any of the properties started, and would this happen beforehand?

I do not profess to understand the charts and graphs displayed and points awarded for all the facilities we do have in our village but I will fill in the consultation form as required and return it with my thoughts and preferences, and maybe it will make a difference.

With the huge quantities of housing already being built locally on green fields, why destroy even more, when there are brown sites and empty properties which surely should be allocated first and foremost.

Name and address supplied

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