Shropshire Star

Wildlife situation used to be better

It has just come to my attention that the herons have eaten all the frog spawn.

"I lived though the 1960s and 70s and we never saw a badger."

They have cleared the river of all the fish now they are looking elsewhere for their food.

Next the media will be saying there are no frogs it must be the farmers again with their sprays, etc.

Before the do-gooders, as I call them, took over running the countryside we had such a much better wildlife situation.

We warned them what would happen but they had their way and protected all the predators.

Some would say badgers and hedgehogs lived in harmony before TB but that is simply not true.

Badgers were always controlled.

I lived though the 1960s and 70s and we never saw a badger.

Men from our local town used to come and cull them on a regular basis ‘free of charge’. I believe they have now realised their mistake, I haven’t seen Brian May on TV for a while.

On our farm we used to have curlews, lapwings, hedgehogs, water voles – those are just some of the creatures we have lost.

I see on the news this morning – February 19 – they want to reintroduce the golden eagle in Scotland. They only eat already dead animals the man said but they forget we are not allowed to leave dead animals on the field, we have to pay to dispose of them.

George Roberts, Craven Arms

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