Shropshire Star

A time of peace will exist

Further to Mr J Clift’s recent letter regarding preserving the earth, Mr D Goodall informed us in his letter of March 27 that we all face the sixth mass extinction and life on this planet will cease.


He quotes the previous five with obscure names of some 65 million years ago. He must be a very knowledgeable man, bearing in mind the average lifespan is threescore years and 10.

If he desires a true forecast he would be hard pressed to find a better one than Daniel chapter 2 where we are told the great king and ruler of Babylon at the time Nebuchadnezzar was greatly troubled by a dream which he could not recall or the interpretation of it.

All the magicians and wise men were unable to help, but he was told of one named Daniel – a captive of the House of Judah, could interpret dreams.

Daniel explained to the king that it was his god who would give the answer. Daniel explained that in his dream the king had seen a great image – the head was of gold and the breast and arms of silver, the belly and thighs were of brass and the legs of iron.

The feet were made of iron and miry clay.

Eventually a small stone smote the image on the feet brought it crashing to the ground.

The stone then grew and filled the whole earth.

This said Daniel is the interpretation – God will show thee three great kingdoms that will come after three and what will befall in the latter days. Though art this head of gold but after thee shall arise another kingdom represented by the silver which would be the power of the Medes and Persians.

After them would be a further kingdom represented by the brass significant of Greece, then lastly the fourth power represented by the iron would be the great power of Rome. After this would be no world ruler, but rather a state of strong and weak nations not able to mix showed by the feet of iron and miry clay which will not yield together. This is the age we live in which is identified as the latter days, soon to be brought crashing down by the stone and the kingdoms of this world will become ‘His’.

We are told on PSA.118 v 22-23 and Math.21 v 42 “Have you not read the stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner, the chief corner-stone” on which the foundation is sure and steadfast.

Therefore there will be no mass extinction but a time of peace will exist and be ushered in.

R Roberts, Wellington

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