Shropshire Star

EU’s enormous waste

Christine Jenkins in her recent letter to the Star letters page insists on peddling one of the many Remainer’s lies – that after leaving the EU young people will not be able to travel around the EU, work in the EU or go to EU universities.


The claim is that Brexiters are stealing the future of young people. This is absolute nonsense and one is forced to conclude the claim is made to persuade people to join the Remainer side.

Long before the EU, I travelled extensively around Western Europe as a young person without any problems. In fact, one could not get the immigration at borders to stamp one’s passport – we wanted stamps in our passport as a souvenir of our visits! I was even offered a job in France and could have gone there to live. On one of my more recent trips to France I met American students studying in France – and the US is not a member of the EU.

What makes the Remainers think it will be any different now to what it used to be before the EU? It is just another lie. The EU is an enormous money waster as well as causing damage to the environment. Think of all those meetings on expenses with the representatives of 27 countries flying in to meet together. Every so often the EU packs up its paperwork and moves from Brussels to Strasbourg at a cost of around £100bn per year. They have a fleet of lorries to take the equipment, buses for the minions and aircraft for the bigwigs.

This is just to please the French. Does Christine Jenkins approve of this enormous waste and environmental damage? You will not get the EU to change – so do not say it can be done. The only way to stop being part of it is to leave. Think what we could do with our share of the £100bn!

Richard Camp, Wellington

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